Agape: God's Love
Agape is the term that defines God's immeasurable, incomparable love for humankind. It is his ongoing, outgoing, self-sacrificing concern for lost and fallen people. God gives this love without condition, unreservedly to those who are undeserving and inferior to himself.
Created Visible Agape includes signed Prayer Chains, colored placemats, posters which are posted on the walls of the community room for the participants to read throughout the Weekend. Placemats made by children are especially treasured by the participants. I
Who Can Create Agape? Individuals Preschools Churches Sunday Schools
Fourth Day Communities Reunion Groups
Community Groups Corporate Sponsors Friends and neighbors
If you would like to send agape to an upcoming Kairos Estelle Weekend, please contact Shaun Pierre at
-------Your Agape Matters!!!-------
At the bottom of the page are letters written by inmate participants
after a Kairos weekend ... Read a few.
We use colored placemats for meals during the 3 1/2 day weekend. The placemats need to be on tabloid 11 x 17 inch paper -- no glitter or stickers. These can be child created or preprinted. Children may sign first name and age only. For more information, please contact Shaun Pierre at
Prayer Chains
We can add your name to a Prayer Chain link for the upcoming Kairos Estelle Weekend. We ask you to pray during the weekend for the Kairos Team, the Participants and for the Kairos Prison Ministry. Please send your First name and your City location to Judy Powell at
You may also collect signatures on the form below and delivery forms to a Kairos Estelle Team Member prior to the Kairos Estelle Weekend.
Please keep our Weekend Leaders and Team in your prayers!
Jose Garcia is the leader for Kairos Estelle #12
Inmate Participants’ Letters after a Kairos Weekend Program
From Zack…
The Kairos men who came to me here didn’t know me, but God knew both of us, and through their obedience, both of our paths came together in God’s Special Time. Love spoken is love heard, but love in action is what shook the ground. One man’s obedient actions can change another man’s eternal destination and wayward course. God sent someone who took the time to make a difference for me. The Zack now has greatly evolved from the Zack I once was – the incorrigible is now the encourager. Not by simply hearing God’s love but by experiencing it in action. If my prodigal past took me from my first love (God) through the nightlife, the Marine Corps, the streets, drugs, crime, and prison, and then through redemption back to God, then there’s also hope for many others in prison. So, let us not pass by on the other side of the road, but like the Samaritan, stop and make a difference in just one man’s life. Who knows, maybe this is your designed God’s Special Time!
I have felt and seen God’s love, His presence, and His light in ways that seem unfathomable this weekend. Please know this, that if there is the slightest ounce of doubt, that maybe your efforts are in vain, just think about this. I saw two rival gang members this weekend drop it all and hug each other with tears of forgiveness. I saw a white Aryan Brotherhood priest and a Black Mafia Crip shake hands and share peace with one another. I saw a man who I know that has been raped and abused in prison, actual feel God’s love. And this is just a small part of God’s grace that has come to all of us this weekend. Through you, Thank you, Oh thank you for allowing yourselves to be used by Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for believing in God’s power and grace and love. Thank you for actively expressing your faith in Jesus Christ in supporting the Kairos Ministry.
My Kairos experience is somewhat hard to put into words. The unconditional love I received through the hugs, being a part of a family setting, receiving letters from people I don’t know and who don’t know me, and praying for the first time with my Kairos family members. All of this was just so overwhelming. I never grew up eating at a table with a family. It was something I’ve saw in a movie. The love I received from my table family was beyond any kind of love I have seen or experienced. The letters from people I don’t even know, was like if God himself had written them personally to me. All this love without reservation, so overwhelming. The most special thing for me was our family prayer circle. Praying for each other was such a special moment in my life. I appreciate everyone who prayed for me. So many of us feel we are misfits, not deserving of anyone’s love, much less God’s. But now we know we are not forgotten, especially by God. God’s love has given me hope.
For more information about Kairos at the Estelle Unit contact: