The Weekend
Below are some of the more frequently asked questions regarding a Kairos - Estelle weekend.
Who Participates from the Estelle Unit?
The inmates are selected by the chaplain and approved by the warden. They are taken from the general population, which means they are the lowest safety risk. There are many other inmates that have seen a change in the Kairos participants and are very curious. They are initially skeptical but are also eager to see for themselves how so many inmates can be filled with the joy of Jesus and a desire to change. Almost all inmates say YES when asked if they want to attend a Kairos Weekend. Many are praying for the opportunity.
Kairos is open to men of all faiths – or no faith. That is not a criteria for selection and it has no bearing on the objective of the mission. The unit Chaplain attempts to include both positive and negative leaders in the unit. In other words, both gang leaders and Christians are included in this retreat. There is a racial balance of one third black, one third Hispanic, and one third white.
What is Expected of the Participants?
Participants are expected to attend the entire four-day program and follow the normal rules of the prison. If they choose to leave at any time during the weekend they will not be allowed to return. (This rarely occurs.) Beyond this, there are no requirements or expectations put on the participants.
What Type of Prison is Estelle?
Estelle is a typical maximum security prison with about 4,000 inmates. The team enters through the main front gate where there is a security station. The team is searched for weapons and other contraband. Processing the team through security takes about 15 minutes. We then are escorted by security down the main hall of the prison to the unit gymnasium. The team spends all of its time in the secured gym (doors are locked) until we go to the chapel on Sunday for the Closing Ceremony. We have very limited exposure to any inmates that are not Kairos participants. It is easy to forget that you are actually in a prison. For more information click here.
What is the Security Like - IS THIS SAFE?
The Kairos program is under the supervision of the warden and his staff. There are security officers present at all times. More significantly, there is absolutely no motivation for an inmate to be disruptive and the participants themselves will not tolerate any misconduct. They are treated better during a Kairos Weekend than at any other time and are very appreciative of the Kairos volunteers. They also know that causing trouble would jeopardize the program and they do not want to lose it. Kairos has never experienced any violence.
What is the Gym Like?
The gym is a typical gym of standard dimensions for basketball. For the Kairos Weekend, a set-up team divides the space into three primary partitions – the community room, dining room, and the chapel – by tarps hung from cables. Each of these partitions has a specific purpose.
The community room has five large round tables with nine chairs each – six for participants and three for team members. On Friday the participants are assigned to a “table family” and will participate in all activities together. Over one-half of the time is spent in the community room listening to talks given by the volunteer team, discussing the talks, and singing.
The “chapel” is a place of worship just like we have outside of the walls of a prison. It is a segmented portion of the gym, not the prison chapel. It is configured with rows of chairs for each table family and a podium and cross at the front. Several times each day the whole community moves from the community room to the chapel for meditations, prayers, and songs.
The third partitioned area is the dining room. Meals are served only in the dining room, although snacks and drinks are served at the tables in the community room throughout each day. As in the community room and the chapel, each table family stays together during meals and has its own separate table with nine chairs. The support team provides lunch and dinner on Friday and Saturday and lunch on Sunday. Breakfast is not served as a meal but breakfast items are provided in the community room.
The gym is not air-conditioned, but it is generally comfortable. The dates of the Kairos Weekends are chosen to not only avoid major holidays but also to avoid the hottest and coldest times of the year. It is important to wear casual and comfortable clothes.
What will We be doing on the Inside?
Most of the Weekend will be spent at assigned tables, with six participants and three volunteers at each. The nine people at each table become a “table family” that will talk, listen, sing, pray, and eat together for three days. On Sunday afternoon a Closing Ceremony will be held in the unit chapel. All of the participants, volunteer team, and visitors from the outside will be at the Closing Ceremony.
The Kairos program schedule for each day is full, well-planned, and purposeful. As members of the team we are advocates for Jesus, not advocates for the inmates. There is no time to get involved with the personal, family, or legal issues of the inmates. Whatever they want to talk about, we will listen; but our mission is to be spiritual mentors so that they will learn to rely on God.
On Thursday the team meets the participants for the first time about noon. Each team member is assigned to a specific participant to be his greeter, help him feel welcome and comfortable, and answer questions. The initial meet-and-greet period is about 30-45 minutes during which everybody sits at snack tables in unassigned seats. The whole group then meets in a big circle in the community room for informal and brief introductions. The first day closes with a chapel session of about one hour.
On Friday and Saturday the volunteers present eight 20-minute talks about God and our relationship with Him. There is discussion time at the tables after each of the talks, several trips to the chapel, breaks for lunch and dinner, time for singing, and other activities that promote fellowship and trust. The primary focus of the Saturday agenda is the meaning and importance of forgiveness. The day ends with a powerful forgiveness ceremony.
There are two final talks on Sunday, more chapel time, lunch, and the Closing Ceremony. By Sunday morning the participants do not resemble the people that we met on Thursday. They have a new identity, a new community of friends, new hope, and have begun to trust again. Life now has a purpose.
How often does Kairos Happen?
Kairos Weekends are conducted twice each year, once in the spring and once in the fall. We also meet monthly in the prison for a reunion. All inmates that have participated in a Kairos Weekend are invited to attend the reunions. The reunions usually include music, testimonies or messages, and prayer-and-share time. They are led by the inmates.
How is this Accomplished?
Several weeks of team formation occurs prior to going inside the prison. Team formation involves recruiting, assigning roles to each volunteer, training, and promoting unity in the Spirit. The team that goes inside the prison is supported by the Outside Team that works at Northside Baptist Church in Huntsville preparing meals for the team and participants, organizing agape materials (prayer chains, placemats, letters) and other supplies, and prayer support. Organizing and planning a Kairos Weekend is a big job but it is done with joy. We become the hands and feet of Jesus Christ delivering His message of love and forgiveness.
What Cost are Involved?
A typical weekend cost about $7,500. We ask team members (if possible) to raise $150 from friends, family, acquaintances, and personal donations to offset the cost of the program. However, no volunteer should feel an obligation to give. Business sponsors are also solicited. It is through the Ministry’s foundation of prayer that God provides all of the resources needed for each Kairos Weekend.
For more information about Kairos at the Estelle Unit contact: